An introduction to trauma-informed care

Today I would love to share about trauma-informed care and why it is valuable for trauma recovery.

It’s not an easy topic to talk about but I think it is so important to know about.

So, what is trauma-informed care exactly?

It means every interaction across all services that supports a person’s recovery from trauma.

Trauma-informed care is about changing the way we perceive the people we serve.

It does not focus on people’s problems; instead aiming to meet people where they are at, understanding that something may have happened in their past.

Some trauma-informed care principles include trauma awareness, promoting safety, rebuilding control, and focusing on strengths and resources… just to name a few.

If you or someone you know have been through a traumatic experience or event, please know this is support out there for you.

If you are seeking support with your trauma recovery, please reach out.

And fear not, because I will be sharing more soon!

We all deserve to live a life free from our trauma so I hope this blog can help in bringing awareness to trauma recovery and supporting those who are curious about trauma-informed care.


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